Tag Archives: MI

MIPanel enhancements for the Mashup Designer

Smart Office Hot Fix 12 was just released ( We have some new features and in this post I’ll cover a changes to the MIPanel that will make it easier to chain calls together. The new features for the MIPanel are:

  • New events: CompletedSuccessfully and CompletedWithError
  • New properties: ShowMessagesInDialog and ShowMessagesInStatusBar
  • New result property that you can bind to: MIPanel.ErrorInfo. This property will contain error information from the first failed transaction. It has ErrorMessage, ErrorCode, ErrorField, Transaction and Program.


For those of you who have use conditions on events you can now consider using the new events. An example scenario would be updating item information and if that transaction is successful you would like to run another transaction. In that case you can trigger the second update based on CompletedSuccessfully instead of UpdateCompleted.

Item update

Please note that I have some hard coded values in the example. I did have to configure MandatoryInputFields since I’m not changing the item number as the behavior of the MIPanel is to only send updated data to an MITransaction. The use of the event is pretty straight forward. For numeric input I used the NumericTextBox. You will not find it in the Designer UI but it is part of Smart Office so you can use it if you edit the XAML. Here is the XAML:

<Grid xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:ui="clr-namespace:Mango.UI.Controls;assembly=Mango.UI" xmlns:mashup="clr-namespace:Mango.UI.Services.Mashup;assembly=Mango.UI" xmlns:m3="clr-namespace:MForms.Mashup;assembly=MForms">
		<ColumnDefinition Width="1*" />
		<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
		<RowDefinition Height="1*" />
		<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
		<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
	<m3:MIPanel Name="ItemDetail" Grid.Row="0" Margin="0,15,0,0">
				<mashup:Event SourceEventName="Startup" TargetEventName="Get">
					<mashup:Parameter TargetKey="ITNO" Value="AC-001" />
					<mashup:Parameter TargetKey="FACI" Value="010" />
				<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
				<ColumnDefinition Width="10" />
				<ColumnDefinition Width="200" />
				<ColumnDefinition Width="15" />
				<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
				<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
				<RowDefinition Height="5" />
				<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
				<RowDefinition Height="5" />
				<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
				<RowDefinition Height="5" />
				<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
				<RowDefinition Height="10" />
				<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
			<Label Content="Item number:" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0" Padding="0" />
			<TextBox MaxLength="15" Text="{Binding [ITNO]}" IsEnabled="false" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
			<Label Content="Name:" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0" Padding="0" />
			<TextBox MaxLength="30" Text="{Binding [ITDS]}" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
			<Label Content="Description 2:" Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0" Padding="0" />
			<TextBox MaxLength="60" Text="{Binding [FUDS]}" Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
			<Label Content="Avergage cost:" Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0" Padding="0" />
			<ui:NumericTextBox MaxLength="10" Name="inputAPPR" Text="{Binding [APPR]}" Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
			<Button Name="SaveButton" Content="Update" Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="2" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
						<mashup:Event TargetName="ItemDetail" SourceEventName="Click" TargetEventName="Update" Debug="True">
							<mashup:Parameter TargetKey="ITNO" Value="{Binding [ITNO]}" />
							<mashup:Parameter TargetKey="FUDS" Value="{Binding [FUDS]}" />
							<mashup:Parameter TargetKey="ITDS" Value="{Binding [ITDS]}" />
				<m3:MIDataSource Program="MMS200MI" Transaction="Get" Type="Get" InputFields="ITNO" OutputFields="ITNO,ITDS,FUDS" />
				<m3:MIDataSource Program="MMS200MI" Transaction="GetItmFac" Type="Get" InputFields="FACI,ITNO" OutputFields="APPR" />
				<m3:MIDataSource Program="MMS200MI" Transaction="UpdItmBasic" Type="Update" InputFields="ITNO,ITDS,FUDS" MandatoryInputFields="ITNO" />
	<m3:MIPanel Name="SecondUpdatePanel">
				<mashup:Event SourceName="ItemDetail" SourceEventName="CompletedSuccessfully" TargetEventName="Update" Debug="True">
							<mashup:Condition SourceValue="{Binding ElementName=inputAPPR, Path=Text}" TargetValue="{Binding ElementName=ItemDetail, Path=[MMS200MI.GetItemFac.APPR]}" Operator="NotEqual" />
					<mashup:Parameter SourceKey="ITNO" />
					<mashup:Parameter TargetKey="FACI" Value="010" />
					<mashup:Parameter SourceKey="APPR" />
			<m3:MIDataSource Program="MMS200MI" Transaction="UpdItmFac" Type="Update" InputFields="FACI,ITNO,APPR" />

	<ui:StatusBar Name="StatusBar" Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" />

Unfortunately the Documentation in the Mashup Designer is not updated with the new properties etc as there has been no update to the Mashup Designer. You can always find the latest API documentation in the Smart Office SDK.

Please note that these events applies to update transactions. You set the type of the transaction on the MIDataSource. We will automatically try and determine the type based on the transaction name.

For a full listing of changes made on this release, refer to Lawson KB 1626878 / M3 KB 1623430.

Validating M3 panels using JScript and MI programs before a request

The scenario for this post is to be able to verify something on a panel in a M3 program before a request is submitted to the M3 BE server. The validation in the example will be made using a MI program that is called asynchronously. The example is not a realistic case but it is easy to test and can be modified and generalized for real business cases. Note that the script is just an example and not intended for production use. Continue reading

Using a M3 List Api for a single hit

For M3 we have different APIs, most used are probably the list and get APIs. But what if you have a mashup and what you need is in a list API? Well you could just as well use the list API and bind to the first returned item. Or in fact you configure the MIDataService to only return the first result in the list.

Assuming there is an exact match you will get the expected data back. Say that you want to list customers and you pass in Infor, if infor isn’t a valid customer the list API will return whatever customer that comes after alphabetically.

My example will have an entry field for the customer to search for and a button that will trigger the List Event. In a real scenario this would probably be replaced with an event from a standard M3 form, like a CurrentItemChanged on a list or a detail form. Continue reading

Testing M3 APIs

When you work with M3 APIs there are a few very useful resources available, one of them is MITest. MITest has been around for a while and it looks like this:

In Lawson Smart Office 9.1.3 we introduced a new way to call APIs using a grid application called MI-API-WS. This application uses the API repository meta data in a way we have not used it before. Continue reading